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Okay, so somehow it’s been 7 months since my last “5 Things” post, and I think it’s about time to do another! I think these are so much fun to read, and I hope that you enjoy them too! If you haven’t had a chance to read the others, you can catch up here (#1, #2, #3, & #4). Anyways, let’s get started!!

  1. I’m currently training to run a half-marathon.

    Okay, so if you’ve been following me on Instagram, you might actually know this one. I’ve been sharing my training in my IG stories, and I won’t lie y’all, it’s been brutal! I’ve be a runner for awhile, but training for a half is no joke. I can’t even imagine what a full feels like. My knees and hips have been aching for weeks, and I’m honestly so excited for the race to get here so I can ease up!

  2. We’re currently obsessed with Shark Tank.

    It’s so true that on any given night Hayden and I will be marathoning this show for several hours. We just can’t get enough of it!

  3. I have a bad habit of turning up the AC just to dress cozy!

    I don’t think I’m alone in this, but since the weather here in IL/MO doesn’t always match the season (like right now), I change the thermostat to help things out. I work from home most days, so I just dress in my normal fall clothes and keep the AC down, light a fall candle, and it might be 95* outside, but inside it is ALL sorts of fall!

  4. I love car jam sessions!

    I saw on IG the other day someone asking if you prefer worshipping while washing dishes or driving your car, and whether it’s worshipping the Lord or rocking out to the Jonas Brothers, I LOVE singing in the car. Maybe it’s being alone or maybe it’s the sound system, but man, that is my go-to way of making hours pass while on the road.

  5. Haley Nicole Photography’s website is getting a FACE-LIFT!

    Yep!!! I am so excited to share that I will be updating my entire website. I am in the early parts of the renovations – lol I told Hayden that it’s basically like building a new home. I know it’s silly, but it’s so true! It takes hours and HOURS to redesign/update a website, but I CAN’T WAIT to show y’all the finished product! I’m not there yet, but I can tell it’s gonna be so fun!!!! Take a peek below at two of my new headshots for the new website!!

Alright y’all, that’s it for now!! Check back again when I share my next “5 Things!”


September 19, 2019


Haley Nicole

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