my blog!

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Y’all she’s here!!! I am so excited to finally blog that our daughter is here! Goodness gracious, we have prayed over this child, and we are so blessed that God answered our prayers through a healthy and beautiful baby girl!!

Our sweet Amelia Kate made her arrival late Tuesday, February 7, 2023, and we have been busy and in love ever since! I was in shock that she came before her due date especially since I had told everyone that she would be so late that I’d have to be induced! I even made plans for her actual due date since I was so convinced she was arriving late. I was wrong!! She came four days early when my water naturally broke on its own! Amelia is a total sweetheart, and we are so blessed that she is almost always happy and very healthy!! We are aware that this isn’t the reality for all babies, and we are just so overjoyed that God has blessed us with good health in little Amelia’s newborn life.

We’ve had many people ask about her name. It doesn’t have any special meaning to us other than Hayden told me he loved that name before we were married. Ever since Hayden mentioned this name, I just knew it’d be our baby girl’s name. We’ve talked about it on and off since, and when we found out we were expecting a girl this last August, I just knew this would be her name. I couldn’t picture any other name. We love how classy “Kate” is, and I love the nickname “Mia Kate.” So we plan to call her both Amelia and Mia Kate. So far, we mostly call her Amelia, and Beckham calls her Mia Kate (and baby sister…since that’s what we referred to her as my entire pregnancy).

The last month has been busy!! Goodness, I can’t believe it’s already been a month. I thought time flew by with Beckham’s first year, but I can tell this is already faster. I guess that’s what happens when you never get a chance to sit down! We are either wrangling a two year old or taking care of a newborn…and a few moments here and there we take a nap sitting straight up. Ahhh, the newborn stage! We can’t complain though, life is so sweet, and we have prayed – and begged – God for this opportunity. While we are looking forward to sleeping through the night again, we can’t begin to fully express how much we love this stage of life with our two littles!

This time around, Hayden and I decided to book a newborn session. I can’t even begin to tell you what a BLESSING this is and was to our family. For Beckham’s newborn photos, I set every photo on a tripod and had my MIL help snap the photos. It was so tedious, and I was so exhausted!! I figured it would be much much harder this time around, and I just didn’t want to miss out on the newborn stage for photos. We had our friend Courtney Longnecker of Courtney Smith Photo capture our family, and we love how the images turned out! The last time we paid someone to take our photos was our wedding (almost 7 years ago), so this was a real treat. It is so fun to have photos of Amelia and Beckham together.

March 7, 2023

Meet Amelia Kate

Haley Nicole

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