Merry Christmas, friends! I am so excited for this holiday season. Our crew already has our tree up, and we’re in full on celebration mode. I asked all of you on Instagram what your top “keep Jesus at the center” of Christmas activities were – so today I’m sharing your ideas…and ones we’ve thought of on our own.
Let’s go!
1. Jesus Birthday Party
We decided a few weeks ago this would be at the top of our list of things we’re doing this year. I am so excited because I think this is a very easy way for our kiddos to put together Jesus, his birth, and the Christmas holiday. We celebrate birthdays all year long so this isn’t a new concept, but it makes it very tangible to kids. We are doing a Jesus Birthday Breakfast on Christmas morning. One of our household traditions is a big breakfast with our whole family on Christmas morning, and this year it will feature some extra sweets (I’m debating between donuts or a cake). Before you say, “it’s too early for sweets,” let me just tell you it’s never too early for sweets!! Also, I’m a firm believer of a well-balance diet, but not on Christmas! I grew up with my parents letting us eat candy on Christmas morning, and it was a special freedom I loved. I’m not sure what else we’ll do – but balloons and party decor are an option too! We’ll probably play it pretty minimal this year and just sing “Happy Birthday Jesus.”
2. The Giving Manager
I’m leaving a link here: Amazon
This is SUCH a fun idea – and mentioned in my episode on Glamour Farms The Podcast with Ellie Holcomb (coming out Nov. 29 2022!). We aren’t doing it this year, but it is definitely something we will look at for next year. I love how it really keeps Jesus right at the forefront – and the real Christmas story.
3. Praying over Christmas Cards
We did this growing up – and one of you suggested it too! In our family, we would put all of the Christmas cards in a basket, and then every night we would pick one up and pray over that family. We hang our Christmas cards in our kitchen now, but we’re definitely going to have to figure out a system to be praying over our family and friends. Also – kiddos are never too little to start praying. At the age of 1, Beckham knew to fold his hands when we said it was time to pray. Never underestimate how your kiddos can grab onto prayer and its power!
4. Gift Giving/Donating/Serving
I feel tabo talking about what we do as a family. I never want to come across as “this is how we serve *insert hair flip*”… so I will just say that serving, giving to those in need, and donating is a very important part of Christmas to our family. You should find something that links with your families beliefs and where you feel lead. I normally feel lead to a family in need or an organization that’s been sharing about the good work they’re doing. I will say it is is SO MUCH FUN to give anonymously!! Seriously, you need to try it – you feel like you are keeping such a fun and impactful secret.
5. Simple Gifts
This idea is a good one! One person said that their mom does something “you want, need, wear, and read.” I love how keeping gifts to a minimal can help make the day less about receiving things and more about the actual holiday and birth of Jesus. I think there is a way to still give gifts and enjoy the joy of receiving gifts, but you can also allow that to not overshadow the birth of Christ.
6. Nativity – one for everyone!!
I think it is SO important to display what we believe in our home. It really hit me this year that I have Santa decor, but I didn’t have a nativity! So, guess what – we now have a small nativity. Here’s a link to the little one we found at Target. I love it! It’s white and neutral so I’m hoping it will last as our decor changes over the years.
Beckham has his own nativity – it’s the Little People version – here’s a link (we got it on sale!)! I also like this colorful one, this full set, similar to Little People one, and this Melissa and Doug one. It has been so much fun having him play with it and explain the Christmas story to us. We just keep this out all Christmas season (and during the year too!), and he can play with it. I’ve realized the toys that are easy to grab and see he plays with more (because out of sight…mostly likely out of mind), and he gravitates towards it so much more when it’s sitting out in our living room.
7. Jesus Centered Books
Here’s a grouping of my current favorites – and some that would be good for older kiddos. We are including this in Beckham’s bookshelf display, but would be fun to wrap different one for a DIY advent activity.
8. Faith Centered Christmas Movies
I LOVE Christmas movies, y’all!!! Let me just tell you!! Hayden and I realized we wanted to encourage our kids with stories that reflect our faith more this holiday season. We aren’t anti secular Christmas (so don’t read it that way), but we know that it’s very important for us to share our faith during this time of the year when everywhere else pushes the message that Christmas is about the hustle and bustle and making lists of everything you want.
Here are some we plan to watch:
The Star
The Small One
The Crippled Lamb
Veggietales Christmas Episodes (Here’s a link!!)
Y’all, I am so excited for this Christmas season. If you’re reading this and feel encouraged – or have new ideas to share, please send a message or leave a comment. I am so grateful for our community!
This post include affiliate links – all opinions are my own – and I want to thank you for supporting my family and keeping my website up and running! 🙂