I’m sitting at my desk writing this coffee talk facing my office window for what would seem like the 100th day in a row of gloom and gray skies. It’s no secret that the beginning months of the year are not my favorite. However, I will say I have been more productive this January than I have in a long while. We have only about a month left until we, Lord-willing, get to meet our daughter. I figured now is the best time to write another coffee talk because knowing my timing, it’ll be quite awhile until I come back and write another. So, let’s go!


I’ve had so many people ask how we’re doing lately. It’s probably because I look like I’m about to pop, and I’m chasing a toddler around at the same time. Life is crazy…and it’s only going to get crazier. We are doing really well. Hayden and I are eager to meet our daughter, but we are trying to soak in every moment as a family of three before her arrival. The last few weeks have been a little hard for me because I feel like I’m so close to the finish line, but yet so far away. Anyone who has birthed a child knows this feeling!! I realized this week that I need to stop looking at the calendar. It was just really starting to get to me if we’d have 2, 3, or 4 weeks left, and I was just making nothing into something. So, from here on out, I’m really just trying to get done what I need to for that day, and I really don’t want to focus on the “what ifs.” Just in case I glossed over it – we are REALLY excited. The nursery is just about done. It’s technically done, but I would like to find a few more filler items for her bookshelf. I’d also like to organize the closet a little better, but honestly, it’ll be fine either way. We are hoping to visit some coffee shops we didn’t get a chance to last year (see my Southern Illinois coffee shop post here) before she arrives, and I’m hoping that will also be some of our first outings as a family of four. Total side note – I’m reading…like a lot. I am on my seventh book for the year. I am hopeful I’ll be able to keep up with where I’m at. The main reason I’ve been able to make so much movement in this area is because of audiobooks. I listen while I work – so I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to do with a newborn and toddler on maternity leave…but we’ll see!

Work Life

For my main job – a podcaster, marketer, and graphic designer for the Glamour Farms Boutique, I’m doing well! We are just about to finish up season 2, and it’s been so much fun!! I had the chance to chat with Ellie Holcomb, and I have a new episode with Lisa Chan releasing next Tuesday, January 24. I am still prepping for my maternity leave, and then, I’ll start dreaming up stuff for season 3 (which will hopefully come later this spring). In my own businesses, it’s no shock that I’ve taken a step back since 2020. I have had so many ideas that I’ve wanted to run with, but I just didn’t have peace about starting something up again. I’m not sure where I’m being lead this year, but I am just walking with my arms out and palms up. I am eager to do some different things, but I’m not sure if now is the right time. We’ll see!


I mentioned I’ve been reading… like a lot, and that has majorly impacted my faith. I’ll be honest, I was pretty bummed at myself for not finishing the Bible in a year. With that said, it is what it is, and I’m still slowly but surely moving along. I am reading through the Gospels, and it is such a breath of fresh air! Praise God for the New Testament!!!! In addition to reading the Bible, I’ve read several Christian books lately that have helped keep me thinking on track. It’s been such a blessing to find some great books. Hayden and I are still serving at church, but we will be taking a break starting in February. It feels weird to step away for a little bit, but we know that God calls us to rest (not forever 😉 but we do need to make sure we aren’t pouring from an empty cup). We’re also trying to see what traditions and routines we can put into our family’s rhythms to have a more meaningful Sabbath. If you have any ideas, I’d love to hear.


LOL. Fitness at nearly 37 weeks pregnant…haha! I am excited to get cleared to workout again after delivery, but for now, I’m just resting and sitting when I can. No shame!

Things I’m Loving:

  • I’ve mentioned books and reading a lot…my favorite way to listen to audiobooks is through the FREE app called Hoopla. If you have a library card, you can link your card to it and check out free e-books, movies, audiobooks, and more! It’s been a huge hit at our house.
  • Reebok sneakers – I honestly can’t believe I love these, but I do. They were a Christmas gift, and I literally wear them all the time. I am still trying to figure out my “mom style,” but I know one thing for sure…comfy shoes are a must with a toddler!!
  • Still on the shoe kick…I can’t believe I’m saying this either, but I love these knock off ultra mini Uggs. I feel like everyone and their dog has them, and I never got on the UGG band wagon in middle school. 10+ years later, here I am wanting a pair to slip on a run errands. Who am I?
  • Very random, but around Christmas we did a few “together time” puzzles (like this one) for a family activity. I love them, and I definitely want to get some more! They are perfect for the whole family – since there are different sizes of pieces for the whole puzzle. Genius. No brainer…like why didn’t I think of this? Here’s a list of ones I’m looking at:

January 19, 2023

Coffee Talk 1.19.23

Haley Nicole

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