I am so excited to introduce y’all to one of the sweetest families I’ve had the honor to meet. Hayden and I were so blessed to have Nikomas and Rachel as our premarital counselors. They were amazing to us. They welcomed us into their home each week and made us a home cooked meal. Hayden and I loved getting to spend time with them each week and learn from them and their experiences. Fast forward to a little over a year ago, they welcomed Ben to their family. Ben was adopted from Bulgaria and was the perfect addition to the Perez family. While Hayden and I don’t get to see them for premarital counseling anymore, we do get to see them at church every week. Nikomas and Rachel lead the college ministry at Harvester, and we enjoy hearing Nikomas preach on Sundays.

Anyway, I was sooooo excited for this session at Faust Park. It had been raining on and off the entire week, and I was really worried we would have to reschedule. However, the sunshine came out, and we had such a fun time. The Perez family is so full of joy and happiness, and they love to have fun and be silly. Goodness gracious, I had such a great time. Go ahead, take a look at their family session. I bet you can’t get through it without smiling!

Haley Nicole

This is his ROAR face! I love this family!!So much personality!!LOVE this one!!! 

June 2, 2017

Perez Family || St. Louis Photographer

Haley Nicole

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