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Hi ya, Pal! It’s me, Mickey Mouse! Can you tell we know a thing or two about Mickey Mouse around here! This past weekend, we celebrated Beckham’s first birthday, and it was a blast! We wished we could’ve had more people over, but we tried to keep things small to be safe with covid. We…

Hi ya, Pal! It’s me, Mickey Mouse! Can you tell we know a thing or two about Mickey Mouse around here! This past weekend, we celebrated Beckham’s first birthday, and it was a blast! We wished we could’ve had more people over, but we tried to keep things small to be safe with covid. We…

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Alright y’all, this was fun last year so we’re doing it again – but just updating with some new ideas!! I’m so so excited, because if you know me, I LOVE movies!! If you didn’t know, I planned to originally go to school to be a film director (was accepted, paid the deposit…life changes though!).…

Alright y’all, this was fun last year so we’re doing it again – but just updating with some new ideas!! I’m so so excited, because if you know me, I LOVE movies!! If you didn’t know, I planned to originally go to school to be a film director (was accepted, paid the deposit…life changes though!).…

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Hey friends- I had so many of you tell me that you love when others share their worship playlists! Well, I am SO pumped to hear that because I love pulling together different songs. I’m sharing a list below of my current playlist! It’s a mix of slow and upbeat – new and old! Enjoy!…

Hey friends- I had so many of you tell me that you love when others share their worship playlists! Well, I am SO pumped to hear that because I love pulling together different songs. I’m sharing a list below of my current playlist! It’s a mix of slow and upbeat – new and old! Enjoy!…

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Hey, hey friends!! Long time – no talk….well, kinda! I’ve been on the blog lately, but holy cow, it has been awhile since a coffee talk. So, let’s get to it!! Personal Our crew has been busy just living life in 2021! I keep telling Hayden that I want life to SLOW DOWN. Beckham will…

Hey, hey friends!! Long time – no talk….well, kinda! I’ve been on the blog lately, but holy cow, it has been awhile since a coffee talk. So, let’s get to it!! Personal Our crew has been busy just living life in 2021! I keep telling Hayden that I want life to SLOW DOWN. Beckham will…

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Wohoo! This week marks the first official week of summer. It’s felt like summer around here for the past month, but this week’s “first official day” made me realize I need to pull together a summer bucket list! I love creating my own bucket list for different seasons because in my mind – if you…

Wohoo! This week marks the first official week of summer. It’s felt like summer around here for the past month, but this week’s “first official day” made me realize I need to pull together a summer bucket list! I love creating my own bucket list for different seasons because in my mind – if you…

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Hey friends, if you’re reading this – there’s a good chance you’ve been dealing with some anxious thoughts. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with those feelings. I understand and I believe you – I am validating your worries and anxiousness. I know it’s real. Today, I’d love to share some verses with you that…

Hey friends, if you’re reading this – there’s a good chance you’ve been dealing with some anxious thoughts. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with those feelings. I understand and I believe you – I am validating your worries and anxiousness. I know it’s real. Today, I’d love to share some verses with you that…

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Howdy friends, and yikes! It’s has been a HOT MINUTE since I’ve done a coffee talk post. Life has REALLY changed around here. We have a new family member…we’re in a new year…I’m launching new businesses…LOTS going on! I couldn’t be happier with our new family dynamic, and I’m thrilled to share more with you…

Howdy friends, and yikes! It’s has been a HOT MINUTE since I’ve done a coffee talk post. Life has REALLY changed around here. We have a new family member…we’re in a new year…I’m launching new businesses…LOTS going on! I couldn’t be happier with our new family dynamic, and I’m thrilled to share more with you…

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Wow, y’all! Somehow I blinked, and now, I’m almost 32 weeks pregnant! Wow!! It’s crazy how fast these last few months just flew by! I had a feeling that this summer would fly by (& I tried to prep myself for it), but somehow, it went even faster than I imagined. We’re now less than…

Wow, y’all! Somehow I blinked, and now, I’m almost 32 weeks pregnant! Wow!! It’s crazy how fast these last few months just flew by! I had a feeling that this summer would fly by (& I tried to prep myself for it), but somehow, it went even faster than I imagined. We’re now less than…